giovedì, ottobre 18, 2007

Welcome to gnoti sautòn....

here I am I know how blogs work....I mean....this is the first time I have I had to know the several options blogs have - such as settings, template, how you can change the aspect and so on - but it has not been difficult...
What does "gnoti sautòn" mean?...well..The Ancient Greek aphorism means "Know yourself" was inscribed in the pronaos of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi...when you'll know yourself you could know the others...that's why I chose this name for my blog..."know yourself" are the most interesting words I've ever read.
Talking about my first two weeks of blogging...I think these activities are quite useful for us 'cause we have a chance to improve both our technical and writin' skills, I mean, you learn how blogs work, organize them by yourself, pay more attention when you write posts (surely 'cause everyone'll read your stuff) pay attention when u read one's post (it could be a way to get new words and slang too)...for these reasons I think that's of blog is a good tool for our english
I hope you'll enjoy with this stuff!!!
See ya....davide